Thursday, October 9, 2008


12.02 am, TGIF....hard to describe it with word. Mostly people are happy that day. End of the weekdays, weekend is coming. Yeah!!!! weekend. Anyway a lonely week for me. Alone.. alone.. & alone. Some of my housemate still holiday at kampung and some i don't know where they go. And why should I bother? Lantak kau la.

Me? Use to lepak at friend house last weekend. But i don't want to stay longer. Quite worried la nobody home. Big city, nobody know what will happen. Just stay alert. (actually i miss my bedsheets and pillows hahahaha)

Well, they all will be back tomorrow, and everything will back to normal. Can't wait for next week. New start, new challenges, and hopefully everything will great.


*TGIF = Thank God Its Friday :p

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