Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An old skool story


One incident, that I will never forget, happen long long time ago during my primary school day, back on 1995. That time i'm still at primary 4. On that time, my school (SRK Lobang Batu) will hold a photo shoot for classes & kk clubs. So a day before that photo shoot, one of my classmate aka my neighbour ask me to accompany her (she's a girl :p) going back home tok take her PBSM shirt. That time we all stay in hostel.

On the way back, we're having fun, chase each other, joking... etc. Until reach one river, we play throw a stone to the river. Suddenly... BANG!!!! a big stone hit my head. The environment became quite for a moment. I hold and rub my head..... Then i see blood at my hand. And I see her cry. Oh my God suddenly i feel the pain. I don't know happen then. BLACKOUT. I only remember i bring to clinic by my teacher.

This actaully what happen.

I can't remember how many stitch in my head. Part oh my hair Part of my hair cut bald by the doctor, and put a big plaster on the top of my head. Luckily, I still can attend the class photo shoot on the next day. (After that I got holiday) But the bad thing is, I look horrible. Funny also there. I look like Singh! demn. After the photo being printed..... well, i'm juz speechless. Pissed off also. Everyone laugh when look that photo. That photo I never buy.

What happen next? Between both of us.... hehe. Sampai sekarang dia masih menyimpan rasa bersalah pada aku. Aku rilek2 je. Kontrol macho la kunun. Tapi kadang-kadang kalau aku nak mengenakan dia, aku akan ungkit balik kisah tu. Kisah zaman kanak-kanak. Tapi sekarang semua dah besar. Walaupun tinggal berjiran, tapi sudah jarang betegur. Biasala sudah malu malu kucing. meowww!

p/s: aba daruh yeh Bel. Hehehe :D

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