Monday, October 20, 2008
FBI Gathering 18 October 2008
Unfortunately i have no photo, maybe i ask from my friend and post it here later.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I lay down on my bed, indeed my head feel discomfort. Finally I cannot hold on more. Thank God toilet just half feet from my room. Just In Time. If not I will be vomiting in my room. Nasib bait sik kantoi. Go back to my bed and... peh! unconscious.... ZZZzzzz..
*My housemate. Tak bagun lagi sampai tengahari :D
Monday, October 13, 2008
Good days
B+. This is what I got for my management subject. Maybe to some of you who blessed with "geniusity" or born with good IQ, that grade maybe far from good. Well actually I satisfy with how this thing is going. I know who I am and I know my own strength and limits.
Apa yang aku cuba padah sebenarnya adalah apa terjadi time final exam dulu. Aku prepare la apa yang patut. Study "not hard". haahahaha. Tapi at least aku studi. So time exam ya aku rilek ajak la. Bukan aku konfiden, sik konfiden lagik la byk. Dgn selamba jak aku pilih port meja paling depan skali time final exam. Orang lain sibuk nak carik "port baik". Ahhhh lantak korang la. Time exam ya kebanyakkan cdak main toyol. MENIRU. Tapi sikda ku lalek. Biar jak la. Aku mls mok ngekot cdak. Aku tauk jawab ka, sik tauk jawab ka, itu usaha aku sendiri. Sekurang kurangnya aku jujur.
Lepas dimarking final paper ya, seperti dijangka, rami la yg score. Aku??? Dapat kurang setengah jak. 26 dari 50. Satisfy? Of cause not. Not fair la. Cdak niru. Tapi aku diam jak la. Biar la cdak hepi time Raya kelak. (Final exam before Raya holiday). Cuma sigek aku harapkan, moga lah lepas subject tok. Sakit hooo repeat! C- pun jadi lah.
Habis jak semester break, suma org sibuk meregisterkan diri. Aku pun sama juak la hehehe. Then saat yang paling saspen nya bila result kluar. Yesssss aku dapat B+! Nok lain? Kebanyakkannya dpt rendah dari aku. Tekejut juak aku. So aku check ngan lecturer, Paduhal semua usaha aku (Assignment la) dapat full mark. 50/50 beb! hahaha.
Siap ada tanda excellent gik ditulis lecturer. Demn!
Jadi moral of the story, setiap usaha itu, pasti akan membuahkan hasil. Yang penting kena banyak besabar. So now I just starting my new semester. Last semester results overoll, VERY GOOD!. Hopefully this new semester bring more success to me. Chow. ADIOS. PEACE. Shalom
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Song from my favorite band. The lyric is so touching
Could you let down your hair
And be transparent for a while
Just a little while
See if your human after all
Honesty is a hard attribute to find
When we all want to seem like we've got it all figured out
I may be the first to say that I don't have a clue
I don't have all the answers
And god I pretend like I do just
Trying to find my way
Trying to find my way the best that I know how
Well I haven't memorized all the cute things to say
But I'm working on it
Maybe I'll master this art for today
I'd I qoute all the line off the top of my head
And you'd be
I dont understand all of these things Ive read
Im just trying to find my way
Trying to find my way
Trying to find my way the best that I know how
Well I havent drawn it or figured out quite yet
But even if it takes my whole life
To get to where I need to be
And if I should fall to the bottom of the end
I'll be one step back to you
I'm trying to find my way
Trying to find my way
Oh, I'm trying to find my way
Trying to find my way
Wish you all the best Sam!
Me? Use to lepak at friend house last weekend. But i don't want to stay longer. Quite worried la nobody home. Big city, nobody know what will happen. Just stay alert. (actually i miss my bedsheets and pillows hahahaha)
Well, they all will be back tomorrow, and everything will back to normal. Can't wait for next week. New start, new challenges, and hopefully everything will great.
*TGIF = Thank God Its Friday :p
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
An old skool story
One incident, that I will never forget, happen long long time ago during my primary school day, back on 1995. That time i'm still at primary 4. On that time, my school (SRK Lobang Batu) will hold a photo shoot for classes & kk clubs. So a day before that photo shoot, one of my classmate aka my neighbour ask me to accompany her (she's a girl :p) going back home tok take her PBSM shirt. That time we all stay in hostel.
On the way back, we're having fun, chase each other, joking... etc. Until reach one river, we play throw a stone to the river. Suddenly... BANG!!!! a big stone hit my head. The environment became quite for a moment. I hold and rub my head..... Then i see blood at my hand. And I see her cry. Oh my God suddenly i feel the pain. I don't know happen then. BLACKOUT. I only remember i bring to clinic by my teacher.
This actaully what happen.
I can't remember how many stitch in my head. Part oh my hair Part of my hair cut bald by the doctor, and put a big plaster on the top of my head. Luckily, I still can attend the class photo shoot on the next day. (After that I got holiday) But the bad thing is, I look horrible. Funny also there. I look like Singh! demn. After the photo being printed..... well, i'm juz speechless. Pissed off also. Everyone laugh when look that photo. That photo I never buy.
What happen next? Between both of us.... hehe. Sampai sekarang dia masih menyimpan rasa bersalah pada aku. Aku rilek2 je. Kontrol macho la kunun. Tapi kadang-kadang kalau aku nak mengenakan dia, aku akan ungkit balik kisah tu. Kisah zaman kanak-kanak. Tapi sekarang semua dah besar. Walaupun tinggal berjiran, tapi sudah jarang betegur. Biasala sudah malu malu kucing. meowww!
p/s: aba daruh yeh Bel. Hehehe :D
Gundam 00 Season 2
Finally... a long awaiting series is back! For me la. Maybe not for other people. After finishing the first season, quit disappointing with the ending. But well, I'm too early to jump to conclusion. That time didn't notice that this series have the second season. Well my bad heheh. No wonder why this series is too short and many of the characters not expose very much. Thank God!
Gundam 00 just release 1st episode of the second season 4 days ago (5/10/2008), and how??? I just remember it today. Oh demn! Actually i read on the internet that the second season will release on the 5th of the October. Well i totally forget. Maklum la bulan puasa & baru jak enjoy Raya huhu. Well atleast I'm not that late. So starting download it now, & with my slow internet speed hopefully it will complete tommorow night :D
Mobile Suit (Kidou Shensi) Gundam 00, 2nd Season... here its all about
2312 A.D. Four years have passed since the final battle between Celestial Being and
(Sources: Animenewsnetwork & wikipedia)
I recomend you to watch the first season before you watch the second season. Otherwise you will be lost. To me Gundam is for above 15 viewer. Not recomended to children coz this series consist violent and very complicated plot of story.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Pengembaraan pendek
So seperti biasa la transport aku bas awam. hehehe. Depan aku ada 2 org ompuan. Sik la cun lagi pun dah berumur. Rilek... Aku bukan mok nekel or ngaco ompuan ya, tapi kisah apa nok jadi ngan cdak. Sampei sigek tempat, ompuan ya tekan la bell. Sik dihirau drebar bas ya jalan jak. Nya tekan gik 4/5 kali masih juak bas ya jalan. Mungkin drbar ya dah hot nya off la la bell bas ya. Manas ompuan ya diketuk2 dindin bas. Baru la bas ya brenti. Drebar bas tadi tego la ompuan ya nya sikpat brenti sebarang. Alu la ngamok ompuan ya. Anoknya balit drebar bas. Time nya kluar ditendang nya pintu :lol: . Nasib drebar ya cool jak.
Aku coma merati jak la. Aduh! geleng palak aku. Macam2 hal la. Dalam hati aku nyumpah. Bodo la ompuan ya. Pelik aku ngan ompuan mcm ya. Ingat bas bapaknya mpun. Memang la bas sik boleh brenti sebarang. Dah jalan jam. Biak skolah rendah pun tauk. Ntah brapa kali aku madah nya dlm hati bodo. Pasya nak tunjuk gaok.
Time aku balit ada juak kei lebih kurang. Kali tok laki mok tunjuk dirik gengster or bodo pandai. Ntah la. Bas brenti dkt trafik light. Tetiba jak nya meluru kepintu nekan suiz pintu. Pintu bukak, drebar tutup balit. Manas laki ya. Perang mulut la cdak duak ya. Apa di padah sik brapa clear la. Biasa la port aku memang blakang. Kluar jak laki ya dr bas aku dgr drebar bas ya nyumpah dlm bahasa cina #$#@@!!XX#!!!!!
Macam2 perangei manusia. Kenak la benda nok "mudah" ya pun sikpat difollow. Adeh... adeh..
adios. PEACE!