Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Not Dead

Blog aku tok dah mcm sebuah rumah usang. Lamak sik update, ngabas pun jarang.

So many thing in my mind actually. Ideas come and go. Maybe I just holding my back. Maybe I should write anything that came up of my mind. Doesn't matter if other people, or specifically a passing by stranger like it or not. Doesn't matter my grammar right or wrong This is my blog anyway. What are the reason I create this blog at 1st place? To write what I want.

So, what to write? maybe I start again with current issues. Unsurprisingly, may hot issues surface now. I want to be part of it. So, don't hold back. ciao!

1 comment:

  1. hello.urm do you still working on this page? I would like to learn bidayuh
