Yesterday I spend my whole day at home…. Without nothing to do. For the whole day I sit in front of my laptop, surfing “available” website. Damn! what a fucking boring day.
After “instant” lunch.. I decided to waste my time watching movie instead of sleep. There are many movie collections in my hard drive but all of it I think it’s a lousy movies. I’m not saying those movies are bad but…. Erm… well it just not my type. Most of the movie I already watched “fast forwardly” LOL.
So start google for “best movie of the century”, “best movie of all time”… etc and I bump to this url, The Top 15 Science Fiction Movies of the Last Decade. Decent list but most of the movies I already watched. Only one that interests me is at the no.1 spot. Movie title Children of Men. WOW! Number 1. Must be good. The title look familiar. Maybe because the title is not grand as Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Putet, Matrik, Star Trek or Avatar… that why I don’t know.
Since I bored enough, why don’t I give a try. See if the movie worthy the No. 1 spot. So I started to goole again the download link. Thankfully I find this site HD Rip and only 400mb. Not bad. I started to download it and less than 2 hours it completed. Kewl!
Sorry I kinda lousy in making movie review. I quote this from other review :D
“In 2027, no human children have been born in any part of the world for eighteen years. The film explores a grim world in which two decades of global human infertility have left humanity with less than a century to survive. Societal collapse, terrorism, and environmental destruction accompany the impending extinction”
“Children of Men bursts with imagery and symbolism while presenting hope and love in the dreariest of futures. It’s a truly magnificent and brilliant movie, and the sheer scale of the world created makes its themes all the more resonating”
I manage to watch this movie in full, I mean without fast forward and I’m so impress; with the film and the actor ~ Clive Owen. 5 STAR from me.