I wonder, what kind of question is this. Maybe for certain people who have been live in both city can give comments.
Well, I never been to Miri. So its not fair for me to give a comment.
The truth is, not only Miri, I never step my feet to the other part of Sarawak. Quite embarrassing for a pure Sarawakian. Eheh!
Yesterday, me & 3 of my classmates take a taxi to Zoo negara. I sit at the front & i have a little conversation with the taxi driver (Dreba)
dreba: org maner?
aku: kuching
dreba: kerja ke belajar?
aku: studi lg la pakcik
dreba: hbs blajar nak keja kat maner? Kuching ke sini?
aku: tak tau lagi
dreba: dkt kuching mane tempat best mkn
aku: tak tau la. dekat satok kot
(ney la ku tauk. kedei cina tauk la)
dreba: ape name kem askar tu?
aku: batu 8
dreba: dekat situ banyak kedai makan kan?
aku: tak tau lah. takde kot.
(ishh org tua tok)
dreba: eh banyak la. kat situ ade gerai2 mcm kat sini
aku: yeke? pakcik penah pegi ke?
dreba: dulu time muda pakcik slalu gi sarawak
aku: oooo...
(byk tanya lak org tua tok)
dreba: miri pernah pegi?
aku : tak
dreba: sri aman? sibu? lawas? (semua aku jawab sikda)
dreba: pakcik semua dah pergi. Ape la org srwk pun tak penah pergi. bla.. bla.. bla.. bla..
Aku diam jak. malu eh. cilakak punya dreba teksi
moral of the story: don't know. "lu pikir la sendiri!"
back to the questions my friend asked... my answer obviously "Kuching la".
.... and I tell him, "Mun ada serian aku pilih serian. Dont ask me why" :D
then a girl ask me. "why Serian tek SAM?"
and i replied "Did I said don't ask? Sebab........................... kamek urang Serian la Deng. Ishhh ko tok."
Welcome to Serian
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