Friday, July 31, 2009

Friendship Day

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."

Wishing all my friends... whoever you are, wherever you are,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A little conversation

"Kuching or miri. Which one do you prefer? Any comments? Kindly describe the pros and cons. Many thanks." This is a question ask by one of my friend.

I wonder, what kind of question is this. Maybe for certain people who have been live in both city can give comments.

Well, I never been to Miri. So its not fair for me to give a comment.

The truth is, not only Miri, I never step my feet to the other part of Sarawak. Quite embarrassing for a pure Sarawakian. Eheh!

Yesterday, me & 3 of my classmates take a taxi to Zoo negara. I sit at the front & i have a little conversation with the taxi driver (Dreba)

dreba: org maner?
aku: kuching

dreba: kerja ke belajar?

aku: studi lg la pakcik

dreba: hbs blajar nak keja kat maner? Kuching ke sini?

aku: tak tau lagi

dreba: dkt kuching mane tempat best mkn

aku: tak tau la. dekat satok kot
(ney la ku tauk. kedei cina tauk la)

dreba: ape name kem askar tu?

aku: batu 8

dreba: dekat situ banyak kedai makan kan?

aku: tak tau lah. takde kot.
(ishh org tua tok)

dreba: eh banyak la. kat situ ade gerai2 mcm kat sini

aku: yeke? pakcik penah pegi ke?
dreba: dulu time muda pakcik slalu gi sarawak

aku: oooo...
(byk tanya lak org tua tok)

dreba: miri pernah pegi?

aku : tak

dreba: sri aman? sibu? lawas? (semua aku jawab sikda)

dreba: pakcik semua dah pergi. Ape la org srwk pun tak penah pergi. bla.. bla.. bla.. bla..

Aku diam jak. malu eh. cilakak punya dreba teksi

moral of the story: don't know. "lu pikir la sendiri!"

back to the questions my friend asked... my answer obviously "Kuching la".
.... and I tell him, "Mun ada serian aku pilih serian. Dont ask me why" :D

then a girl ask me. "why Serian tek SAM?"
and i replied "Did I said don't ask? Sebab........................... kamek urang Serian la Deng. Ishhh ko tok."

Welcome to Serian


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Now everyone "can't" fly

It's been a while since I going back to Serian. Almost 6 months. So earlier this month i decided that whatever happen, i must going back home. Of course the main reason is gawai. But that's is not all about. 3rd of june for me is too late for celebration. But to reach home... huhhh... alot of thing had happen. Well my final exam start at the end of May and fininh on the 3rd of june. There is a one week break before the start of the new semester. To spend few hundred of ringgit just to fly home for a week holiday is a waste for me, Until I ask my best buddy Rey. "Balit sik gawai pok?. Balit. Bila? 1 ari bulan. Aisey.. aku lom habis gik exam. Lamak cuti kah? Aok. Cuti polah dik mpun". ("Going home for gawai?. Yup. When? 1st of june. Aisey.. my exam not finish yet. Long holiday? Yup. Own made holiday." Haaaa.. then I got an idea. I can made my own holiday.

So I call my dad. "Pa, I'm going home. Up to U. How much U want?" Hehe.. big grin on my face.

Now, everything settle. Ticket already book. Counting days only. 3 June 2009, Flight AK5208, Depart LCCT 1255, Arrive KUCH 1240. Wait... oh S*!T why I'm so stupid!!! 3rd June I still have one last paper until 1pm. OMG!!! Well what done is done. So I meet my lect and ask permission to take the paper early. Permission Granted! YOSH!!!

Finally, the day have come. Puntually I arrive at LCCT. Check in, luggage check in, custom check.. all clear. Just wait for boarding. Then come announcement says that my flight will delay for half hour. Hmm.. its find for me. Very excited maa....

Around 130. The airbus already arrive. No problem after that. Flight depart safely. But after half hour, weird feeling come across my mine. Aih, already half hour. Normally the flight attendant already started to sell foods & souverniers. The must be something. And my feeling is not lying. Shortly after that, the captain announce that the flight have technical problem. So have to return back to LCCT. WHAT!!!!! Quite afraid what if the plan crash. Thank God nothing happen. Flight heeding back to LCCT and land safely.

Once the flight land, the captain announce that the flight will be repair around half hour and ask all the passenger to be patient. This is BU**S**T!!!. Even to change punctured motorcycle tyre take half an hour. This is aeroplane man!!! You must be kidding!!! Half hour past, one hour past. People start to lost their patient. One angry chinese man say to the steward, "You say now everyone can fly! Now we still not fly!" Some ask for change flight. Others like me.. stoned in the cabin. I ask one of the stewardess "can I on my hp? I just want to call my dad." and she said OK. So I call my dad, tell him I'll be late. Very very late. Many incident happen in the cabin... many bad dirty word come out & no need for me to write here.

I finally arrive at Kuching International Airport around 8pm. Shioooo.... 5 hours delay. Anyway, I already book my flight ticket for raya holiday, and this time I use MAS :P