Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When a Sarawakian try to speaks KL slang

"Colong lah!"
quote by someone familiar with me. LOL

Not a word from Sarawakian .. just a sweet revenge hahahaha. K juz kidding'. IBoh terasa aok.
Anyway to all sarawakian... i dare to bet that u ever make mistake (1 is enough) when you try speak KL slang. Especially if adding the "E" vocal in the end of the letter. For example "saya=saye. kita=kite, etc". OK its fine but what if.... because of that mistake you have been laughed. Sometimes be in dilemma either to use the "baku" language or the "KL slang". Even we use the correct "baku" language (grammatical correct) we also been laughed.

Well this thing happened many times to me, and now I'm heavily aware with what word will come out from my mouth. Funny right? Anyways, thats the life as a Sarawakian who live in a place like this.

And now, if i heard my friends speak wrongly, I mean "tersasul" (overshot<-- am I right?) I will laugh them to the death hahahahahahahahaahahahaha. Revenge... sweet revenge! [EVIL GRIN]

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Football Season is BACK!

Akhirnya musim bola kembali!!!

Dengan kickoff nya Charity Shield antara ManUk ngan ChelSH!T mlm ni (Ahad, 9 Ogos) Maka dengan rasminya BPL dah start. Dah exited dah aku ni. Minggu lepas lagi dah register main fantasy premier league. Mana la tau nasib kan... kot kot hehe.

Mungkin lepas ni, takde la hujung minggu aku bosan sangat. Ada gak la aktiviti aku. Maklum la housemate semua kaki DOTA je. Takpat masuk la beb. Lagipun orang xde komitmen (single la tu haha... no women no cry) mcm aku ni rilek je.

Ok la mengarut plak aku. Sebenanya dekat premier league takde la team yg aku betul2 minat. AC MILAN tetap dihati.. chewah! Forza Rossoneri. Tapi nak tgk liga Itali or Spain... bapak la kul 2/3 pagi. Perghh tak kuasa aku. Tapi sebagai seorg peminat fanatik bola tengok jelah BPL. Primetime la kan. Syok juga la. Kita tunggu sapa yang dapat qualified UCL nanti. Top 4 la konon. Kali tok bukan stakat team ManUk, ChelSh!t, liverFOOL atau ArSENGAL, team lain cam Citeh, Villa tak lagi dipandang ringan. Spurs pun kuat juga. Wait & C.

Untuk season ni, secara drastiknya aku memilih pasukan Totenham Hotspur untuk disokong.

Kenapa Spurs?
Nak cari kelainan sikit. Asyik2 ManYoo, Chelsh!t, team bangau (liverFOOL) & arSengal je. Season ni aku target Spurs dapat jadi top 6. Jadik la...

Man to watch; Luka Modric

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This is from my general or personal knowledge. To know more about Bidayuh try to google it la.. :p

Bidayuh (Bi-Dayuh) or Land Dayaks is one of the minority ethnic in Sarawak. They are the second largest Dayak ethnic group in Sarawak after the Iban (Sea Dayaks). The name Bidayuh it self mean "the people of land". "Bi" mean "people" or "orang" and "Dayuh" mean "Land". Despite grouped into one race, they use different language and dialect. the Bidayuh language can be divide into 3 major language that is Bukar-Sadong, Singai-Jagoi and Biatah. From this 3 major language it can be divided into many more complicated dialects. That is why although they the share the same races, its hard to understand each other. Normally to communicate with each other from different ethnic groups, the Bidayuhians use "Bahsa sarawak" (Melayu Sarawak) Malays or English.

Bidayuh traditional house "Baruk"

Below is some basic "bidayuh Sadong" word (Lobang Batu, Serian) translated into Malay & English. Mind about the spelling. I'm not sure either but the pronounsation is correct hehe...

keep in mind that if malay pronounce "A" aaa, but mostly for Bidayuh A become "eer". But not all la. Quite complicated actually but like I said, this only a basic to give you a picture about bidayuh language.(To be specific Bidayuh Sadong language). Forget about the pronounciation, to be precise just find some bidayuhians (anywher la) and ask them speak infront of you LOL

I - saya/aku - Aku (aa-kuk)
you - kamu - Amu or Akam (for older people)
Father - Ayah - Amang
Mother - Emak - Andu
Men/Boy - Lelaki - Dari
Women/Girl - Perempuan - Dayung
Younger Sister- Adik Perempuan - Adi Dayung
Younger Brother - Adik Lelaki - Adi dari
Older Sister - Kakak - Umbu dayung
Older brother - Abang - Umbu dari
Grandfather - Datuk - Babuk/Babeh/Babai
Grandmother - Nenek - Tayung
Children - Kanak2 - Anak inya
Older people - Orang Tua - Namba tuuh
Friend - Kawan - Dingan
Drink - Minum - Nyihup
Eat - Makan - Maan
Friend - Kawan - Dingan
House - Rumah - Ramin
Trousers - Seluar - Siluar
Shirt - Baju - Bajuh
Slippers - Selipar - Slipar
Shoes - Kasut - Kasut
Tree - Pokok -Betang Kayuh
Paddy - Padi - Padi
Rice - Nasi - Sungkoi
Vagetable - Sayur - Panek
Water - Air - Umon/mon
Chicken - Manuk eh... Ayam - Siok
Aeroplane - Kapal terbang - Bilon (bhs sarawak belon)
Hand - Tangan - Tengan
Leg - Kaki - Keja
Head - Kepala - Ba-ak
Mouth - Mulut - Beba
Hair - Rambut - Buruh
Teeth - Gigi - Jipeh

I think this is enough. I'll update again later. Chow!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Zoo Negara Voluntary Program.. The PHOTO

Seems like most of my friends already uploaded their photo to facebook or blog. Well i want too... but its no use coz everyone use the same photo. As long that i'm being "tag" its ok. So I try to make something different here. A little bit touch up and edit via photoshop, illustrator & photo impact.

Well... not bad for an amatuer hehe