Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mystery: Lost & Found

Have you ever experience situation where you loss of thing, and you have searched its everywhere and you can't find it. However shortly/soon after, you have found back abruptly. Although the place you found its back, you already search.

In last week only, I has experience three lost things, but found back. First, my key. Lost on Thursday last week, search it through whole my room, in bag, cupboard, below mattress, pillow but still cannot find. I give up to find it. Luckily i have spare key. On the next Monday, in bus, when I searching for my note in bag, I find back that key. Whereas I already rummage the bag of. Weird right? Next day I left my pencil case in class. First time i go, other students use that class. I ask them if they see my pencil case? But all do not know. I wait until they finished class and I search for it in the class. However I'm not able to find it. After having my lunch I search for it again. But unfortunately....hisshhh. Feel sad la coz many "treasure" inside there. Later on, go to that class again, search up, down, under the table... one girl saw what i'm doing and ask "Cari ape?" "Pensel case aku". answer me. "Tu atas mejer(meja) tu kan ker?" she reply. "LAAAA" my reaction sambil megang palak. Then yesterday at home, i'm doing my asignments. Open my pencil case, find my liquid papper but it not there. search inside my bag... also not there. Hmm maybe i left it at class. Because of emergency, i buy new one. But later on, i find it back in my bag!! How come???? %$&@!X?0#FG